During a Discover Scuba Diving experience, you can try scuba diving for the first time in a pool or calm water environment. A highly-trained PADI Professional will provide scuba gear, explain basic scuba diving skills and answer any questions you may have.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. If you have never dived before, and have always wished to experience first-hand the beauty of the underwater world you can arrange an Introductory dive with one of our friendly and professional Instructors.
  2. If you are not sure if you want to Scuba Dive professionally but you dream of seeing the beauty of the Red sea depths, then try dive in Beach Safari is what you need. Our diving center will provide you with an experienced instructor to be your guide.
  3. If you don’t have enough time for making a course but you want to experience the wonder of the Red Sea.
What is the duration?

Discover Scuba Diving program offers a condensed yet enriching experience that can be completed in just one day. Moreover, this program serves as a stepping stone towards obtaining your Scuba Diver or Open Water certification.

What are the requirements?
  1. You must be at least 10 years old for doing Discover Scuba Diving. For ages between 8 and 9 years, you have “Bubblemaker” option. For more information, please contact our team.
  2. All divers must complete an Introductory and Certified Diver Medical Declaration.
  3. Certain medical conditions (e.g. asthma, heart disease, diabetes) and any prescription medications will require a letter or email from a doctor clearing you to dive.
  4. In the interests of safety, we recommend no flying within 24 hours of the last dive.

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